
MIOSHA Encourages Remote Work; Managers Need to Address Burnout

By December 3, 2020 No Comments

MIOSHA to launch a new state program to emphasize remote work for employees in the state

Governor Gretchen Whitmer says Michigan businesses and employees can expect a new program to encourage remote work, according to new station Fox25.

Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) will implement a state program on office work.

Whitmer said if work can be done remotely it should.

“No Michigander should be concerned about catching this virus at work,” Governor Whitmer said.

MIOSHA will fine businesses up to $7,000 if they fail to provide a remote work policy.

Managers need to address burnout – from a distance

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, many employers have undergone unprecedented change by closing their office doors and requiring most – if not all – employees to work from home, according to a report by Mental Health America.

While all employees must adapt to new routines and workplace tools, managers face the additional challenge of maintaining morale and supporting their employees during the transition.  

With fewer opportunities to interact candidly in-person, it may be especially difficult for managers to tell when an employee is feeling burnt out.  

As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. 

Burnout is specific to the workplace, and there are three primary signs of burnout: exhaustion, personal efficacy, and cynicism. 

If you are a manager, it is important now more than ever to discuss the signs of burnout and solutions with your employees so they can identify issues when they come up and find ways to help you support them.  

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